"For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;"
Song of Solomon 2:11-12

I have a few hobbies of my own. I really enjoy my garden in the spring and early summer. I like to plant pansies, petunias, lillys, lambs ear, marigolds, and pinks. I also have a garden pond, which is the home of 6 Koi (Japanese Goldfish). Once in a while, we will have a resident frog or two during the summer, which the kids really get a kick out of. My garden is a place where we can sit and talk on the warm spring nights and we have friends come over frequently for cook-outs and such. I think everyone should have a garden of some sort. Even if it is just a few feet, it can make you feel glad that you helped God to put a little color into the world with flowers and plants.

My Garden

"I AM the rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valleys. Like a rose among thorns, so is my love among the daughters."

Song of Solomon 2:1-2

My Koi

Another one of my hobbies is cross-stitching. I love to stitch--it helps me to relax and forget about things. Alot of people think that it is funny that something so tedious can help me to relax, but there is something about the repetitivness that does it, kind of like rocking in a rocking chair of something. I started doing it when I was 18 and was sick with a respitory infection that kept me in the house for about two weeks. I wanted something to do and went to the craft store and bought the stuff and have been at it since! I never keep any of the pictures that I make--they all go to friends and family as Christmas or Birthday presents. This is a picture of what I made for my brother this year (sssshhh! Don't tell him! :o> ).

Cross-stitched Wolves

Our kids have some things that they would like to show you also! Visit them by clicking on their pics below--

MikeyVisit our son!

MeganVisit our daughter!

Next, you can look at some pictures that I have taken around this great state of ours. We love to visit the mountains and the beach. We are 2 hours from both. We visit the beach more than the mountains, though since my husband likes it more. You can go and sit on the beach and just relax--when we go to the mountains, we do alot of hiking and such, and he would rather sit and watch the waves! O-well *grin*...

The midi you hear is "I Stand in Awe of You"

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