Welcome to Mikey's Page!

Hi and welcome to my little page. My mom is helping me with this and I hope that you like it! My name is Michael and I am 10 years old. I am in the 5th grade and I like to play basketball, football, do my math homework and read. I love to go to church and sing in the children's chior.

I have recently gotten involved in skateboarding. I LOVE it! Tony Hawk and Bob Burnquist are the best! I have a new Tony Hawk Falcon II board that is in the picture below.

I also enjoy Legos and I am always after mom to check eBay for great sales on them. I collect the castle collection.

I was baptized in September after Vacation Bible School. There were 3 other children baptized at the same time. I love Jesus and I wrote what He means to me below:

Another thing that I like to do is draw. Can you find the church in the picture I drew below?

Here are some other things that I have drawn:

My favorite Bible story is David and Goliath. I really like it because it shows how people have confidence in God and I like happy endings.

Well, that is all I have for now. Please check back on my page often and I will have more to share later!

Here are some great links that I have found on skating, legos, games and more!

Camp Woodward


Free Arcade Games

Lego Bionicle

Tony Hawk's Birdhouse Skateboards

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The midi you hear is "Father Abraham"